Mid-aged Dayi 7542
Dayi’s 7542 recipe is a widely recognized benchmark for sheng puerh. Due to the variability between years and batches, and because very few of the post-2005 batches capture the essential strength of the older versions, it is difficult to know which year and which batch to use as a reference.
After tasting a number of batches which are still in the affordable price range, and after weeding out quite a few fakes, we selected four batches: Batches 502 and 504 from 2005, batch 601 from 2006, and batch 701 from 2007. All have very good natural dry Taiwan storage.
We hope this QC set will serve as a good introduction to the 7542 recipe: by comparing the 2005 batches one gets a sense of the variation within a single year, and by contrasting these with the 601 and 701 batches, one can start to see how aging affects the recipe. This QC set is also helpful as a reference when buying younger 7542 cakes.
TWL QC 7542 Contents:
1 Quarter Cake of 502-7542
1 Quarter Cake of 504-7542
1 Quarter Cake of 601-7542
1 Quarter Cake of 701-7542
For a total of approximately 350g. Maximum two sample sets per customer. We want as many people as possible to have access to this sampler.